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deadheading roses

April 17, 2013

I haven’t posted much lately because I like to tell stories about my garden when I post–such as, I planted this sprout, it grew and bloomed, and now it’s dead, The End.  Well, I don’t really have a new story yet, although there are many new things happening in the backyard, and I’ve got works in progress.  Since I don’t want to leave the blog untouched for so long, I decided I need to post something about the garden.  So here goes.

Recently, I took some nice photos of the roses I was deadheading.  These were the first blooms of spring and there were A LOT of them.  These were cut from 15 rose bushes.


The thing is, you can’t tell from the photo, but these roses aren’t fit to go in a vase.  The edges are brown on many, and the petals will drop off like lead weights in a day or two.  I wouldn’t give them to anyone I liked.  However, in the picture, they look like a million bucks.


I know I’ve said that roses are pretty much weeds, but I must admit, they do have their moments.



  1. Very artistic! Best looking weeds I’ve seen in a while.

  2. Very artistic! Best looking weeds I’ve seen in a while.

  3. beautiful photos.

  4. Wow, it’s the first time I see so many different shades in one :O And your photos itself are as much beautiful as the roses 🙂

  5. Much prettier than when I dead head daylilies. They are no where near as photogenic at that point ! Thanks !

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